Saturday, April 18, 2009

twelve hours

stale air, sun on my back, breeze in my face and other people's conversations drifting in and out. since high school days i've developed a liking for people watching on public transportation. friday was no different. i've always wondered where all of these people came from and where they are each headed. only in elevators and public transportation do such strange groupings of people come together. i wonder what impressions i'm giving the other people watchers. i'd like to start a conversation with the man in orange, and ask him how he lost his right hand. maybe that makes me rude and maybe i'm just nosy, probably both. i just think it is a shame that people are so very disconnected from one another.


Marina Liu said...

omg I think about this all the time! Especially riding on buses and subways every other day... it's so interesting! Yesterday, this guy next to me on the subway (who may or may not have been talking to me) was talking about lesbian prostitution LOL!

Vivian said...

hahah i love weirdos on the bus/subway... the other day this guy was just rambling on and on about his most ideal rock musician. i think he named him dani california... "he's got the heart of john lennon, sexiness of mick jagger... no SEXIER than mick jagger, mick jagger looks like the fucking queen, jimi hendrix's edge" and so on. everyone avoided eye contact and just pretended not to hear him but i thought it was great.