Tuesday, October 14, 2008

who needs ear drums anyways

i have recently become addicted to odwalla juices. i especially love the strawberry banana and orange honey passion... citrus c was a bit too sweet for my liking. will definitely try the original superfood next, even though i must say that the green thickness does not look too appetizing. if they weren't so fucking expensive and high in sugar i swear i'd have dozens lined up in my mini fridge. which reminds me... i need to get some more carrot sticks and ranch dip for late night snacking purposes. no more brownies or cookies or cakes for me at the dining commons! i can feel freshman fifteen looming over me.

songs to wake you up on a chilly tuesday morning:
- "timebomb" by beck
- "almost crimes" by broken social scene
- "black tongue" by yeah yeah yeahs
- "judy is a punk" by the ramones
- "deceptacon" by le tigre
- "aphrodisiac" by bow wow wow

i'm probably going to be deaf by age thirty.

1 comment:

Marina Liu said...

One of my roommates was telling me about how she got high a lot in her sophomore year and wanted to eat healthier, so she bought baby carrots and ranch to eat when she got the munchies, and she ate a whole Costco bag between her and her friend and got sick... just reminded me of it! Hehe. Also, superfood looks like a bottle of thick green shit. HAHAHA.